Thursday, November 8, 2012

Elections From a Different Perspective

A year ago now, in DR Congo, we were gearing up for presidential elections.  What a different scenario it was than what we saw here in the U.S.  As election day neared tensions grew and grew.  Suddenly there were riot police and tanks all over the city of Kinshasa.  

It has been a couple of DECADES since we've been in the U.S. for a presidential election.....and that has been kind of nice!  We've always voted absentee, but have been able to avoid all the rhetoric and political ads.

So observing the lead up to this recent election has been somewhat interesting.......annoying.......tiresome.......oh, there are so many adjectives!  But election day itself - Nov. 6th - was such a striking day for us in remarking on differences between elections in Congo (and in many parts of Africa) and in the U.S.  Our daughter, Abigail, said it so well, as only an MK or a Third Culture Kid can.  She called Tuesday afternoon to talk and said that the fact that it was election day and that people were out voting was very emotional for her - that she felt close to tears at times. When I asked her why she said that she just remembered how it was a year ago, in Congo.  On election day there we didn't DARE leave the house because of unrest and we spent a good part of the day thinking about and praying for those who were out voting, praying for peace, praying that all would be able to vote for who they really wanted.  People voted.....and people did die - that day and in the days before and after the vote.

So today, as elections have passed and Thanksgiving is coming - I'm just thankful for democracy, for the chance to vote for who I want without ramifications, for people that get upset at results - but don't kill.  I once heard someone say that to be self-governing you have to have self-control.  I think that's a very wise observation.

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