As rebel troops and rioting government soldiers fought one another in Eastern and Northern Congo, the fall of 1996, we had many anxious moments. We were living in the town of Isiro, with our 3 small chidlren. We were finally told that we needed to leave or our safety could not be ensured. We evacuated from Isiro, Zaire (now DRC), on December 1, 1996. It was such an emotional time - I remember it like yesterday. We said good-bye to friends, paid workers several months wages, and walked through our mission home, wondering if we'd ever see it again. We were evaucated by MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) planes and due to space and weight limitations, we had pretty strict luggage limits. For our family of 5 we were given 3 suitcases. So that day in 1996, when I walked through my house one last time, I knew that I could very well be losing everything I owned.....and I did. We took out what we thought we needed - important asthma meds for Ben, a few precious books and toys for the kids, and some clothes. A week later our house was looted and all that was left was stolen.
Flash forward 12 years......Pat just went to Kisangani, Northern DRC. He was able to reconnect with many former friends and bible school students that he had not seen since we had left 12 years ago. One former student - now a pastor - approached him. He said that after our home was looted a few of our students went through it, seeing if there was anything to be salvaged. Torn books and papers littered the floor. As he kicked around some papers a photograph caught his eye. He picked it up and thought "this is something Pastor would want." For 12 years he kept that photo in mint condition, even as he himself had to flee future rebel groups that came through. He gave the photo to Pat last week. It was of Emily's baby dedication. When she was one year old we were out in Nairobi for a retreat with other Central and East African missionaries - family to us!

The retreat speaker was then General Secretary of the AG Pastor George Woods. He gladly agreed to do Emily's dedication, as our good friend and Area Director, Billy Burr looked on. I can't tell you the emotions I felt as I looked at that photo today. What a gift!!! That after 12 years, the Lord allows for us to have a little bit of the important past back in our lives. He is constantly showing me that He is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives, even in what I would consider the "little, unimportant things".
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